Have you ever noticed
how toddlers quickly learn new words, concepts and skills? Therefore, they are like little sponges soaking up forward anything that moves, even fleeting observations and experiences seemingly forgettable! And what parent has not been pleasantly surprised to discover that their small mimicked their behaviors or repeated words (unless of course, it is the unfortunate curse or bad habit) before they knew their children, even the note!
But have you ever wondered why this happens so often? Well, according to experts, children have deep desires and respectful becoming more and more independent. To this end, they actively seek to discover, learn, and ultimately master new skills. Moreover, toddlers whose learning efforts are supported in a nurturing environment and whose achievements are recognized and celebrated, are much more likely to gather information and new skills quickly and more completely than children who are otherwise ignored or discouraged - openly or passively - from it.
These statements are not sure epiphanies or "AHA!" for most of you. Rather, they are simply common sense. After all, it is quite logical to assume that the vast majority of us - adults and children - are more likely to learn
potty training tips quickly when our efforts are supported and our achievements are noticed and rewarded.
And it goes with
potty training tips ... I can not tell you the number of times I worked with parents indicate that their goals are to train their
toddlers pot quickly (ie 24 to 48 hours), but set themselves up failure to notice by updating this hard earned! Do they voluntarily? Absolutely not. In fact, most are very well-intentioned and loving people, unfortunately, believe common myths
potty training tips are true. As a result,
potty training their child is much, much more than it should - often several months or more - and they wonder what happened.
Many learn the hard way, but you do not have to ... that is, if you really believe that children, even yours - Wanna Be
potty trained as quickly as possible and they need your encouragement, support and know-how to get there. But that's not all ... You must be equipped with a solid plan and time-tested - one that uses behavior modification techniques in a nurturing environment - and follow them carefully.
There are many methods fast forward there, in my opinion, some are excellent, some are good, and unfortunately, many are simply horrible. So please choose carefully. If not, you will lose a lot of time and money - and perhaps even unconsciously sabotage your child's progress.
Here are my top four for
potty training tips fast. Use them as guidelines to decide what method you will use.
1. Believe in your heart-of-hearts that can be accomplished. I personally
potty trained toddlers many 24 -48 hours. And there is no two were exactly alike and all had "challenges" of one kind or another. Some could speak the King's English, others could not understand simple commands. Some were extremely cooperative, and others were stubborn as mules. Some had never seen a pot before and others had already decided they did not want any part of it. Some were boys aged 17 months and others were 24 months of age for girls.
Hopefully, you get the idea ... the point is, as they say, "I saw all this," and, in my experience, there are two good reasons for "fast forward" methods of
potty training tips does not work. They are:
* The child was not physically and / or developmental readiness (see # 2 below)
* The "teacher" (usually a parent) do not follow the instructions carefully and completely. For example, they do not have a good preparation, lost focus, and / or a lack of coherence and consistency.
2. Make sure your child is ready for
potty training tips - physically and developmentally. Although there is no specific age that is good for all infants, the American Academy of Pediatrics concluded that the vast majority of children can be
potty trained between the ages of 18 and 27 months.
Use it as a guide, but remember that experts across the board agree that developmental signals are far better indicators of readiness
potty training than chronological age (by example dressing and undressing; imitating others, frequent "I can not do everything by myself" statements, and the like). If you are still unsure, check with your pediatrician or take any assessments pot preparation of training on the Internet.
3. Do your homework. Do not settle for the first one you find. Instead, give this important rite of passage-the attention it deserves. (Believe me, you'll be glad you did!) Forget the hype and choose a trustworthy, time-tested system accelerated
potty training is supported in practice and theory by pediatricians, child therapists and other respected experts. Here are some additional guidelines to help you choose an effective - and fast - the method.
It must:
* Provides details on how to determine if your child is ready
* Provide comprehensive, soup-to-nuts (the instructions in the planning stage in implementing) using easy to understand language and format
* Combine the techniques of behavior modification in a positive happy and rewarding
* Require a teacher (usually a parent) to engage his attention to the process to completion
* Discourage any form of punishment for accidents or non-compliance or excessive "pushing"
* Include a detailed list of necessary supplies - and this list should not be extended or encourage you to buy "fancy" or expensive equipment, toys, books, etc.
* Prohibit the use of pull-ups (which are guaranteed to slow you down!)
4. Set aside time (24-48 hours) necessary to devote your full attention to the process, and no matter what happens - stay with the program and stay consistent. In other words, parents are the best prepared and most tenacious win this battle - loosey-goosey just will not cut it if you want to
potty train your child quickly. If you are not willing to put aside some two full days for the process, this is not for you. If this is your style and you are determined to tackle this way, it is better to hunker down and prepare for the long term.
But let me clarify one last point - Although I specifically suggest you set aside two full days, many children learn in 24 hours or less (no joke). However, even if they do, I like the idea of adding a "no pressure" extra day to build things and let toddlers begin to master their new skill before jumping back into " real life. " In addition - and trust me on this one - many children finally "do" just before going to bed on the first day, and it is wonderful to have an extra day to repeat, repeat, and repeat a few more!
I hope this advice was useful for those of you who have already decided - or are considering -
potty training your toddler quickly. Remember, it can be accomplished quickly, joy, and completely with a
little potty training tips planning, the right mindset and a lot of love!
How To Potty Training in 3 Day Click Here