Monday, April 1, 2013

a potty training - tips for potty training success

Potty Training Tips,potty training boys,baby potty training,overnight potty training tips,tips on potty training a girl,toilet training tips,what age to potty train,tips on potty training girls
One of the most difficult stages of raising your child is more potty training them. Some parents may have formed their child to go on the potty easily while on the other hand others may find it a bit difficult. Potty training does not need to be difficult. Understand the process and know the signs of preparation can really help make the process much easier. It becomes easier if you know some tips to implement during this milestone.

Tip # 1 - Know the signs of readiness

One thing that will help you pinpoint when your child is ready to be potty trained are the signs of maturity. These signs will squat and grunt to be able to stay dry for three hours or more. Once you know the most common signs of preparation for potty training, you can decide when you should start to get your child to go to cleanliness. You do not want to be ready to potty train your child when they are not ready.

Tip # 2 - Get ready for potty training Previously

Try to prepare for the process. Supervise your child and get an idea of ​​when they are most likely to urinate and to defecate. Also note the time between their stools when they urinate and to give you an idea of ​​when you need to send them to the potty. Try to understand how to adapt training to your child in your schedule. Will you be able to train without interruption pot? Will you need someone to help you when you are away? This is usually the case when the parent works. Beginning to obtain these products. Pull-Ups, underwear, pot chair, books, dolls, etc. Taking your child will be a good way to get them interested and you can collect what they like. It helps when your child really likes or is interested in the products related to potty training or materials. This will help them enjoy the process.

Tip # 3 - What you need to experience fun and learning for both of you

Be patient with your child and are not stressed by the potty training process. They have accidents, may refuse to go to the potty or take some time to "get it." Training your child to potty certainly has its ups and downs, but it can still be an enjoyable experience and learning for you and your child. Prepare yourself for accidents and be patient with them. If they refuse to pot, let it be because you can not force them to go because it might make them want to go further. Instead, encourage them to use the potty, you can even reward them. Make fun baby potty training experience for your child by putting some of their favorite books beside their pot, the choice of a pot with a character they love, like Dora, for example, and one of the best things you can do is praise your child. Tell them they did a good job. Children love to be praised there by parents. If they make you happy, in most cases, they are happy.

How To Potty Training in 3 Day Click Here


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